WiiMailer's Intentions

WiiMailer is a weekly newsletter that goes directly to the Wii system. It contains a picture, news, and a link to a YouTube video and sometimes a surprise! It's really simple.
To add WiiMailer, go to your Wii friend's list and add WiiMailer@yahoo.com as your friend. That's it!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Scooger, Homebrew Puzzler

Scogger, Wii homebrew game from WiiNintendo.net
Sorry Wii-Users, this is the only vid I could find...

Scogger for Wii is a porting I made of the “famous” Nintendo DS and PSP game Scogger I wrote a months ago.

The game is almost identical to the original, with same levels (10 random out of 100 avaiable, so each new game you get different levels!), except here you cannot use the stylus for obvious reasons, but it can take advantage of the wiimote!

Download & Installing

Download it, and unpack it. It has two directiories: gamecube and wii.
The Wii version is ready for use with the homebrew channel. Just put the scoggerwii-0.2 directory in the apps directory of your SD card, otherwise boot it with the Twilight Hack or other boot methods.
The Gamecube dol can be booted it using SDLoad or other boot methods.

How to Play
The goal of the game is to make the frog jump over all the tree trunks.
You can use the Gamecube pad, the Wiimote, or the Wiimote d-pad.
The only avaiable direction the frog can move are forward, left and right (no diagonals), with no jump distance limit!
Remember that the frog cannot jump backward, and pressing B on the Wiimote (or A in the Gamecube pad) to restart the level!

Clean the stage to go to the next level (they are 10) or press (+) or START to go to the next one.

This trick is only avaiable if you make the so called “konami trick” (you know what is that, don’t you?) at the titlescreen, (with the exception “B” and “A” button are mapped to (-) and (+) on the Wiimote).
Source: wehackwii.blogspot.com
Phahtrox: I won't be doing this, but it sounds fun...

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