WiiMailer's Intentions

WiiMailer is a weekly newsletter that goes directly to the Wii system. It contains a picture, news, and a link to a YouTube video and sometimes a surprise! It's really simple.
To add WiiMailer, go to your Wii friend's list and add WiiMailer@yahoo.com as your friend. That's it!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

WiiMailer: RESTART!

It's because of the lack of time, I have slipped off of my domain.

Now I'm back and with a .

I have been working to help myself and few people to restart the WiiMailer Blog. This time around we have REVIEWS, and new bloggers, other than myself. Some of them are subscribers to WiiMailer, and others are my colleagues.

Stay gold, . Stay gold.

WiiMailer Links

For all of those who use WiiMailer and came here check these links.
-Fun Stuff-
Random Videos From SU-Phahtrox Recommended.