WiiMailer's Intentions

WiiMailer is a weekly newsletter that goes directly to the Wii system. It contains a picture, news, and a link to a YouTube video and sometimes a surprise! It's really simple.
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

WiiWare Game Coming From 1080's Developer

Cubed³'s Adam Riley: With Wii Fit taking Japan by storm at the moment and more Balance Boards now in Japanese homes than PlayStation 3 consoles, have you given any thought to creative ways your team could make use of the Wii peripheral in the future?

Vitei's Giles Goddard: Our current game uses the Balance Board actually, and it’s due out in September on WiiWare. So yes, much like Theta we came up with several prototypes of games and picked one that we thought was the most uniquely suited to the interface. The interesting thing is that the games you would think would work well with the Balance Board actually don't. So it should be interesting to see what kind of stuff gets made for it.
Source: Cubed3.com
Well we can rule out 1080.

Update 3.3-Mii Parades and Freeloader Dead

1. Sending your Mii's to the parade at will...

Phahtrox: YAY!

2. Freeloader is dead...

Phahtrox: Darn... Full price for games... At least I still got...

3. Twilight Hack is dead...

Phahtrox: Dang It!

Well Nintendo surprised us with that one, leaving users of the Freeloader sitting and crying...But as for the people who use the Twilight Hack can still use the Homebrew Channel, just trying to get it is a problem.

Are You a Hardcore Gamer With a Wii? Wait for E3

Yes, Nintendo is going to reveal the light for the Core games for the next wave of games, and there is going to be quite a few...

“We recently announced the upcoming release of Mario Super Sluggers. Additionally, we will be announcing several new titles that core gamers will be interested in around the time of E3.

The clear majority of people waiting in line outside retailers on Sunday mornings to buy their Wii consoles are core gamers. Look at the plans being made by third-party publishers. They realize that Wii is the current platform of choice in this generation, and their bottom lines depend on appealing to the largest base.”

Some guesses include:
New Kid Icarus(Factor 5, don't screw up)
Disaster: Day of Crisis(Miyamoto's new IP)
New Excite Truck
Storage solution...(bleh Nintendo)

Wii Move Update: Phahtrox Confused

Remember the post about Wii Move?

Phahtrox: That Wii Fit imposter? Yea.

Now the second trailer has came out and it's nothing what anybody thinks it was going to be. Here it is.
Phahtrox: Wow... Um not sure what to think...

Solution To Storage Problem!

It's not going to be a hardware fix though...

Phahtrox: NO!!! Dang it Nintendo, the fans are right!! Listen to US!!

Here's what the spokesman said about it and the whole Geek controversy...

“We definitely detect that [gamers] are serious and we know there is an issue in this, so it’s something that we’re working on,” he told GamesIndustry.biz.

“Definitely there’s no plan to issue hardware - an external hard drive, but we know that we have an issue in that area. It’s very obvious and we’re perfectly aware of it, but there’s nothing we can say beyond this.”

Fischer recently found himself in hot water after he was quoted saying that only “geeks and otaku” wanted a proper storage solution for Wii. However, he explained that this was all just a misunderstanding:

“”I really didn’t use that terminology to describe the Nintendo consumer - it was something related basically to myself and to the journalists attending,” Fischer said. “It was a joke I made on myself and somehow it’s been confused and taken out of context to define those consumers.

“I understand I have created a lot of offence with people. And for me it’s very, very important to clarify this - that’s not the kind of thing I’ve been saying in [the way it has been reported.

“Disappointment in the community is something I was really affected by,” he added.

Phahtrox: You better be disappointed! I have to use an SD to hold all my games, but you know, it takes about FOREVER to redownload them... Shame on you Nintendo! P.S. don't just unlock the SD card slot; people will pay for a Hard Drive.

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