WiiMailer's Intentions

WiiMailer is a weekly newsletter that goes directly to the Wii system. It contains a picture, news, and a link to a YouTube video and sometimes a surprise! It's really simple.
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Thursday, June 19, 2008

NOM! NOM! NOM!!! Paper is for the Fools!

Phahtrox: What is NOM?

N.O.M. stands for Nintendo Official Magazine. It was trademarked by Nintendo not too long ago.

Phahtrox: Is it like the rumored Nintendo Power Channel a while ago, you say? Yes.

Theories suggest that it may be a channel, but also could be a webpage...

Phahtrox: So wait on for more details!!

Contoller Based Profit Combat!!!

Actually this is a post comparing the the two Band games. To see the winner highlight the text with your respective cursor.

Phahtrox But I'm already sick of this war!!!

First is the drums...

Rock Band: White(Sweet!), Four pads and Bass. Overdrive is done during certain periods. No Wii-Mote needed. Wireless.

Guitar Hero: 3 pads, 2 cymbals, Bass. Star Power started when both cymbals hit(?). Wii-Mote Needed. Wireless.

Winner: Can't really tell...

Rock Band: 10 Frets, LOOONNNNG wammy bar, switch to change sounds of guitar. Wireless. No Wii-Mote needed.

Guitar Hero: 5 Frets, wammy bar, touch pad on the bottom to change sound. Wireless. Needs Wii-Mote.

Both tilt to start star power/overdrive.

Winner: GH:WT controller. Whee!

GH:WT will work all controllers, but Rock Band does not... Maybe RB2 will fix that.

WII EXCLUSIVE: Star Wars: Clone Wars-- Lightsaber Duels!

"We've tried to make the lightsaber control as intuitive and fun as possible. It's not a Lightsaber simulator, but when you swing your Wii remote left to right; your character does the same. You use the thumbstick on the nunchuck to move your character and swing the Wii remote to swing your Lightsaber. The buttons all do cool stuff like use the force, block and dodge, but the focus is really on putting the Wii remote in the players hand and saying 'This is your Lightsaber!'"
"I wouldn't describe what we're doing as one-to-one in the way that you might picture, but we really tried to make it feel like you get to swing your Lightsaber 'manually'. In short, it feels like the most natural and convincing sword type experience I've had on the Wii. And on top of that, it not just a sword, it's a lightsaber."

Phahtrox: YEEEESSSSSSSssss!!!!!!! Thank You LucasArts!

Boom Blox Did Not(?) Hit Sales Target

Even with Spielberg's amazing cult following, Boom Blox made little profit selling only 60,000 copies. Boom Blox is not a bad game; it's actually been reviewed quite highly with 1-Up and X-Play giving a perfect score. It's really sad games like these don't appeal to the masses.

Phahtrox: But wait!

EA actually had low expectations on this game.

Phahtrox: So nobody loses!

WiiMailer Links

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