WiiMailer's Intentions

WiiMailer is a weekly newsletter that goes directly to the Wii system. It contains a picture, news, and a link to a YouTube video and sometimes a surprise! It's really simple.
To add WiiMailer, go to your Wii friend's list and add WiiMailer@yahoo.com as your friend. That's it!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Alien Crush Returns Site Goes Up

The spaceship shooter has got a new site up about the new game Alien Crush. The click this link. It's mostly in Japanese... So do what you can.

Boom Blox Team Wants More Workers...?

The sales were not great, but the overall appeal may have sparked the idea for a sequel, or a new game entirely.
Come join the team that created BOOM BLOX, here at Electronic Arts Los Angeles!...[We’re] creating accessible, quick-to-the-fun games for all ages on the Nintendo Wii…Interest or experience with physics gameplay a plus!

WiiMailer Links

For all of those who use WiiMailer and came here check these links.
-Fun Stuff-
Random Videos From SU-Phahtrox Recommended.