WiiMailer's Intentions

WiiMailer is a weekly newsletter that goes directly to the Wii system. It contains a picture, news, and a link to a YouTube video and sometimes a surprise! It's really simple.
To add WiiMailer, go to your Wii friend's list and add WiiMailer@yahoo.com as your friend. That's it!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wii Speak Can't be Bought USED?!

Phahtrox: The Wii Speak Channel is going to make communicating with other people much awesomer. But there is a hitch. You have to buy the darn thing new, so you can't buy it from GameStop, obviously.

The reason for this is because of the Wii Speak device has a once time use code with the console. You can download only if you use the code. You CAN'T buy the Channel from the Wii Shop. So Yea... Thanks Nintendo.

Mario Power Tennis, Mario and Luigi 3 Dated

Mario Power Tennis, one of the “Play on Wii” titles, now has a Japanese release date of January 15th, 2009. Both it and Pikmin are confirmed for the US for next year, so we knew it had to be coming to Japan soon. The other title that now has a release date is Mario and Luigi RPG 3, the sequel to Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA) and Mario and Luigi Partners in Time (DS). It will release on the Nintendo DS on February 11th, 2009. As far as the US is concerned, we’ll get that game sometime next year.

From: WiiNintendo.com

New EA Franchise for Wii...

EA Sports Active

- due out March 2009
- $60
- Wii exclusive
- uses a A.I. trainer
- running, boxing, and more
- EA Active Soccer version ‘down the road’, and more versions to come
- balance board not required, but supported
- includes peripheral that attaches Wiimote to your body
- endorsed by Bob Greene, Oprah’s trainer
- regular software updates
- more peripherals planned for new exercises
- packed-in nutrition book
- custom 30-day workout
- music player
- true 1:1 motion
- 2 resistance straps included in box
- EA Trax program or EA’s Artwerk label music may come in the future

The above info was gathered from the video and an interview by Gamespot. To read the full interview, click here.

Forbes Magazine also had an interview with EA Sports President, Peter Moore, where he stated that EA Sports Active has a targeted audience of a “woman in her mid-30s with two young children that was active–wishes she was more active–and is pressed for time.” He goes on to criticize Wii Fit, and fill us in on his ideal fitness game.

You were critical of “Wii Fit” emphasizing balance over a cardiovascular workout. Have you sweated to “Active”?

You bet I have. It is ugly. I’m a former [physical education] teacher so I feel somewhat validated on my commentary on exercise. I get the Eastern philosophy to fitness–the “Wii Fit” board is a lot of fun, but it is primarily based on coordination and balance. There needs to be at least a threat of sweating for there to be true cardiovascular exercise. We’re bringing with EA Sports Active a more Western philosophy to exercise, which is about getting your heart rate up, keeping it there and sweating. They are both different and complimentary and reflect different views on what exercise is.

For the full interview, click here.

WiiMailer Links

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