WiiMailer's Intentions

WiiMailer is a weekly newsletter that goes directly to the Wii system. It contains a picture, news, and a link to a YouTube video and sometimes a surprise! It's really simple.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Preview

Phahtrox:Where do I start? Ah...Spider-Man 3...I remember rating that game...On a 1-10 scale it got an "OMG/WTF". Graphics were subpar, and the gameplay was atrocious beyond belief. So, do I even have a slight wanting to play the next game, prolly(not spelled wrong) not.

On the other hand SM3 was a rushed movie game, so the game prolly was not in it's prime. Activision may update the engine so it will not be as bad, character models and all. Another thing is that the game does not have to follow a script that was made for a mainly talking intensive movie. Maybe it will be good...

But as I've seen, Activision does not change with the times(ex.Tony Hawk) so it may be the same. IDK...

Vemon has returned to New York to infect the city with an army of symbiotes. S.H.I.E.L.D. has quarantined Manhattan to prevent the invasion from spreading. As a result, the entire city is cut off from the outside world. Spider-Man has to work with both Heroes and villains from the universe to track down Venom and stop the invasion before he himself is consumed by the symbiote attached to him.
Source: Wikipedia.com.


rymcfluury said...

spider man games suck to the omega extreme

Phahtrox said...

Too true...

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