WiiMailer's Intentions

WiiMailer is a weekly newsletter that goes directly to the Wii system. It contains a picture, news, and a link to a YouTube video and sometimes a surprise! It's really simple.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Demos on Nintendo Channel


WALL•E DS Demo (Expires 6/29)
The Incredible Hulk (Expires 6/29)
Kung Fu Panda DS Demo (Expires 6/29)
Contra 4 (Expires 6/29)
Cake Mania 2 (Expires 6/29)
CrossworDS Demo - Anagram


Get Wii Fit with Alyson
Gyrostarr Info Video
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Orpheum Video
Rock Band TV Spot
NCAA Football 09 All Play Info Video
Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 3 Info Video
My Fashion Studio TV Spot
Digest Video

Source: nintendoeverything.com

Balance Board Extras

This post will give you a better understanding of what it means.
I was blown away with how fun it was to mess around with the early build of Skate It with the Wii Balance Board that Electronic Arts had on display last week during their event. The controls were fun, easy to pick up and felt much more rewarding when you pulled off a trick than doing the same with two thumbsticks or a remote waggle.

But I was a bit worried about how the game would make sure virtual boarders weren't slowly moving off the balance board's sweet spot. Scooting was a problem I noticed while playing Wii Fit. The more into a game I got, the more intense it was the more I tended to scoot around on the board over time. After ten minutes or so of intense gaming I'd notice the game wasn't responding right because my feet were no longer centered.

The devs told me that that is a concern of theirs as well. So much so that they're actually looking into the possibility of shipping the game with some sort of form that snaps onto the balance board to give it more of a skateboard look and feel. More importantly, this skateboard frame would help gamers realize when they were scooting off the board's center spot without having to look down, and potential facing into a virtual curb.


Phahtrox: Pretty cool...

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