WiiMailer's Intentions

WiiMailer is a weekly newsletter that goes directly to the Wii system. It contains a picture, news, and a link to a YouTube video and sometimes a surprise! It's really simple.
To add WiiMailer, go to your Wii friend's list and add WiiMailer@yahoo.com as your friend. That's it!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Homebrew for Wii...

Here's some info on homebrew.

To some, the word homebrew itself is enough to scare them away, to others its a great opportunity to make the most out of their gaming console. Although it does hold some risks and may in some cases be able to void warranty or cause a so called “brick”, if you know what you’re doing it can really spice things up. Many people think and argue that piracy and homebrew go hand in hand, but although homebrew in some cases might lead to piracy, this certainly isn’t the primary goal. I’ll start out by a simple and basic explanation of what homebrew actually is.

Homebrew is the term used for software that is “brewn at home”, or in other words, not designed by some fancy game designer but a do-it-yourself piece of code that was written by a hobbyist. For example, Nintendo does not want you to be able to play movie dvd’s on your Wii, this is probably due to licensing costs. The Wii is incapable of reading dvd’s because the software simply doesn’t know what to do with them. But hey…. what if some homebrew hobbyist decides to write his own software that IS capable of doing this.

This of course sounds awesome, but Nintendo just like any other company will try to prevent this. They try to prevent this by only allowing code to be run when that code holds the correct signature. This is a very complex process, but you can see it like this: Nintendo has a secret key, which they use to encrypt all of the games, channels and everything else that is ran on your system. This key is referred to as the “Private Key”. In order for these games and channels to be able to execute on your Wii, they need to be decrypted. This is done by the “Public Key”, this is a key thats known by every Wii. The public key can only be used to decrypt, not encrypt. The problem is that nobody (but Nintendo) knows the private key, so in theory you would not be able to run your own software because when the Wii checks for the right signature, and it isn’t there. Well, an arguably wise man once said “every security system can be compromised”. This has also happened with the Wii’s security system. Some pretty nifty hobbyist programmers found a bug in the check that the Wii does for the right...

If you want the rest of the post click this.

Chocobo Game Coming?

Phahtrox: Well Square Enix is not tired of this series yet.

SE has announced of the new Chocobo coming to Wii. They said so far it is going to be released in PAL areas during fall. It is going to include turned based dungeon crawling, onling minigames and some other features.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mario Kart Competiton Coming...

Yes! The newest competition for Mario Kart is going to be a race threw Coconut Mall while collecting coins. It looks pretty interesting and will give someone a run for their money(no pun intended) to beat this in a low time.

Phahtrox: Cool now I do something with that disk thats been laying around lately...

The competition starts July 1s, lolt.

Urban Extreme: Street Rage...Huh?

Phahtrox: Not really looking forward to this... Though I should give it a chance.

With the price of petrol going through the roof this could mean the nail in the coffin for Boy Racers, Speed Maniacs, Street Racing and Joy Riders. So how are you going to get your thrill of driving through city centres in illegal street races, where you need ram your foot on the accelerator and bugger the consequences?

Well now you can experience that excitement in your own home thanks to… Data Design Interactive - a successful video games publisher and games developer, who today announced a new title to be added to their Nintendo Wii label, Popcorn Arcade, Urban Extreme: Street Rage.

Urban Extreme: Street Rage is set in Fortune City. As an experienced Street driver you are forced by the Underworld into a series of extreme and sometimes lethal urban races. Competing in these contests is a dirty business and could cost you your car, and even your life..

* 32 Unique play and unlockable vehicle designs.

* 16 level choices and Cup challenge modes set in a gritty urban environment.
* Test your nerve and take out the most cars with explosive results in Carnage Mode.
* Split screen multiplayer support with widescreen, and hires progressive scan modes.
* Career mode: Spend your hard earnt prize money to buy new cars and enter more expensive races.

The rules of the road don’t apply in this high-speed, anything goes competition……

Phahtrox: Sounds a lot like another game we all know...

Next Boogie is for the Girls

Boogie Superstar, the next iteration of the Boogie series is selling toward the female gamers. Gamers swing the Wii-Motes to the beat, and simulate dancing, and the microphone to sing(duh). It was rumored to use the Balance Board, but no corn on that one.

Phahtrox: Will it suck as bad as the last outing? Just wait.

World of GOO!!!! is not coming to europe...

Phahtrox: Awwww...That sucks...

...as a WiiWare game, at least.

Phahtrox: Huh?

The makers of the game, RTL Playtainment, wants to have a retail version in Europe areas with a lot of extra content...

Phahtrox: AWWWWW...That SUCKS...(I live in the US).

The fact that Europe countries have not taken a liking to downloadable games, yet..

New STUFF in Madden Oh-Nine

* Madden IQ system: players train in a holographic environment, which grants them a “Madden IQ” based on their practice in 12 different drills. The game’s difficulty adjusts itself to the player’s Madden IQ.

* EA Sports Backtrack: the game analyzes the player’s playing ability and points out mistakes during gameplay a la a television-styled telestrator.

* Improved online leagues: server-based leagues, supporting up to 32 players, with full schedules including the playoffs and the Super Bowl as well as draft and trade support. Schedules can be played in a round-robin style as well.

* Revamped graphics: Improved stadium models, new weather particle system, new lighting models, new player models, field goal nets, improved sidelines, user-controlled celebrations, clear visors, new facemask designs, and Total Control animation system.

* Improved gameplay: Offensive line slide protection, smart routes, realistic fatigue, improved gang tackles, true penalty based animations, formation substitutions, new fumble system (weather affects it), new player weapon types and the ability to return short field goals.

* Revamped franchise mode: Simulated stats have been improved (e.g. fewer running backs gaining 2,000+ yards in one season), rivalry games have special value and played games have more crowd and television intensity.

* On-demand picture-in-picture play-call window: Picture-in-picture style interface to allow the player to see key information and call plays and formations without leaving the current window.

* New Dynamic Camera System: The new madden camera system moves with your receivers so they will never fall out of view during gameplay. The camera automatically pans out, zooms in, and adjusts angles to keep the receivers in screen. Once you complete that pass, if the ball carrier happens to break away from his defenders, the ActionCam will rock back and forth, zoom in and follow the ball carrier, giving you that intense feeling that you’re sprinting alongside him. And if a defender happens to really lay into the ball carrier, the Big Hit Camera will rattle the screen with the force of the crunch.

* New Tackling Engine & Animations.

* New Running/Ball-Carrier Engine: total control system, new transition system, character grounding with foot-plant, new procedural animation system, realistic momentum, new locomotion system, improved visuals and animations, left and right stick moves, directional diving.

* Madden Moments: New gameplay mode that allows the user to relive the top 32 games of the 2007 season.

* New Weather Gameplay: Weather now effects gameplay and celebrations.

* Rewind: Allows you to rewind and redo a play. You can set the number rewinds you get in a game Note: Is not included in online play.

* Syncing With NFL Head Coach 09: The ability to create and transfer plays from NFL Head Coach 09 to Madden 09.

Source: videogamesblogger.com

13 Year Old Commited Suicide Over Wii


When I was a 13 year old I was overly stressed, but not like this kid...

Phahtrox: Emos nowadays...

After a fight with his dad and sister about playing the Wii, that the child bought with his own money a couple days before, he hung himself with his school uniform tie...

Phahtrox: LOL. Sad for everyone else though.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kirby Getting Remake for DS

Kirby Superstar, the game for the Super Nintendo is coming to DS on Setember 29th, and being renamed to Kirby SuperStar Ultra.

Kirby Super Star plays like a standard 16-bit era platforming video game. Kirby can go left, right, up, and down on a plane. Throughout each level, Kirby must avoid several obstacles such as environmental hazards or a variety of enemies who mostly have their own attacks. As opposed to previous games in the series' usage of six health capsules, Kirby Super Star features a health meter. When the health meter is emptied, Kirby will lose one life. If he loses all of his lives, the game ends. It is the first Kirby video game that allows Kirby to perform a fairly wide arsenal of attacks with a single copy ability, as opposed to previous games in the Kirby series such as Kirby's Adventure, which only allowed Kirby to do one thing at a time (with the exception of the UFO power). Oddly, Kirby's Dream Land 3(the next Kirby platform game on the SNES) didn't carry on this aspect of the game; rather, it reverted back to the formula of combining animal friends and single purpose powers that was introduced in Kirby's Dream Land 2. The idea of multiple moves for a single power didn't resurface until Kirby & the Amazing Mirror, which still didn't have the range of moves per power that Kirby Super Star had. Kirby Squeak Squad, though, gave some of the abilities a range equal to this game, along with bringing back the health bar,and also giving some of the abilities the power to mix with others as seen in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.

Source: wikipedia.com

Sonic Chronicles Site is UP

The infamous "Sonic RPG" is turning out pretty well, and to prove it check the new site that's now up.
Watch some YouTube because the site it quite annoying.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Demos on Nintendo Channel


WALL•E DS Demo (Expires 6/29)
The Incredible Hulk (Expires 6/29)
Kung Fu Panda DS Demo (Expires 6/29)
Contra 4 (Expires 6/29)
Cake Mania 2 (Expires 6/29)
CrossworDS Demo - Anagram


Get Wii Fit with Alyson
Gyrostarr Info Video
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Orpheum Video
Rock Band TV Spot
NCAA Football 09 All Play Info Video
Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 3 Info Video
My Fashion Studio TV Spot
Digest Video

Source: nintendoeverything.com

Balance Board Extras

This post will give you a better understanding of what it means.
I was blown away with how fun it was to mess around with the early build of Skate It with the Wii Balance Board that Electronic Arts had on display last week during their event. The controls were fun, easy to pick up and felt much more rewarding when you pulled off a trick than doing the same with two thumbsticks or a remote waggle.

But I was a bit worried about how the game would make sure virtual boarders weren't slowly moving off the balance board's sweet spot. Scooting was a problem I noticed while playing Wii Fit. The more into a game I got, the more intense it was the more I tended to scoot around on the board over time. After ten minutes or so of intense gaming I'd notice the game wasn't responding right because my feet were no longer centered.

The devs told me that that is a concern of theirs as well. So much so that they're actually looking into the possibility of shipping the game with some sort of form that snaps onto the balance board to give it more of a skateboard look and feel. More importantly, this skateboard frame would help gamers realize when they were scooting off the board's center spot without having to look down, and potential facing into a virtual curb.


Phahtrox: Pretty cool...

Monday, June 23, 2008

COD:WaW Engine to Rival/Surpass Unreal

Phahtrox: Really?

You’re sharing the engine with Infinity Ward; what’s it like to use in comparison to something like, say, the Unreal Engine 3?

Farrelly: Our team has had a lot of experience working on that engine. A lot of our guys have been working on it as far back as Call of Duty: United Offensive, which is in fact a similar toolset to what Call of Duty 4 uses. We’ve been working on Call of Duty for longer than World War II lasted and the toolset has evolved over time, so we’re very comfortable with this stuff!

And so when we got the Call of Duty engine and all the tools from IW it was like putting on an old pair of gloves. It’s great because we got this engine that has already shipped quality with all these great features, and not just gameplay features, but the lighting and the sound as well. IW gave us a really good foundation with which we can build our own level of quality, with the fire technology, the water technology, with the plane-based weaponry and so forth.

Heller: I’ve worked on plenty of engines in my career, including Unreal. And I’d say the big difference with this engine is how close it allows designers to get their vision into the game. You’ll be startled to see how close the concept art is to what was replicated in the game. If an artist wants to make a bottle in the game, he designs it and hits a button and a minute and a half later it is in the game.

Farrelly: Rapid Iterations have really allowed us to polish, polish, polish really quickly. And we’ve managed to get more content than we’ve ever managed to before, polished to a level of quality that’s astounding.

Source: http://www.developmag.com

Phahtrox: I'm not going to lie... This is really really really good news.

Call of Duty: World at War Co-Op

This article says it all...

Call of Duty: World at War will be brilliant, it could have been a modern combat game but WWII will still be very good and I am sure the graphics and gameplay will also take on a new lease of life. The Nintendo Wii will get a ported version of the Modern Warfare engine and the support for the Wii Zapper will give that arcade feel in your home.

The graphics on most Wii games might be just “OK” but we are hearing that the Wii’s COD5 will “look better than any Wii game”, according to Senior producer Noah Heller. He went on to say that World at War will be the best shooter that the Wii has ever seen and that it will be aiming for the name of “most next-gen Wii game ever”.

This has got to be good news for Wii owners that want that extra touch to graphics, but then if you are a Wii gamer you will know that graphics was never the reason you bought the console, its all about the gameplay and the Zapper, multiplayer and co-op will bring it.


Phahtrox: Wheeee!!!!

Nintendo E3 Conference Date/Time

Nintendo is going to have the their first conference on July 15 starting a 9:00am. You may want to watch it because Nintendo says this is the year for the hardcore gamer(at least for the Wii).

Phahtrox: Short post... Hope it got your attention.

VC/WiiWare of the Week

Everybody loves a classic battle between good and evil. With the latest additions to the Wii™ Shop Channel, your greatest challenge will be choosing where to wipe out the bad guys—in deep space, on mean city streets or in a monster-ridden fantasy world. Whatever the venue, be ready for outrageous enemies and memorable missions you’ll relish from beginning to end.

Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii™ owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points™ to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week’s new games are:


Gyrostarr™ (High Voltage Software, 1-4 players, Rated E for Everyone—Mild Fantasy Violence, 700 Wii Points): Gyrostarr challenges you and up to three additional players to pilot your ships through a series of twisting, turning technoplasma tracks while battling a variety of deadly alien foes at ever-increasing speeds. While fighting and maneuvering, you must collect enough energy to activate the ancient warpgate at the end of each track. Succeed, and you can journey to the next, even deadlier track. Fail, and the gate will slam shut, destroying your ship. Enhance your ship with weapon pickups, coordinate attacks with your friends to fire powerful combined blasts and use your grapple to snag energy and pickups in the midst of combat. Control your ship with the Wii Remote™ controller, Nunchuk™ controller or Classic Controller™, or use the “paired” control system that allows two players to use a connected Wii Remote and Nunchuk or Classic Controller at the same time. Offering 50 levels of intense action, powerful pickups, high-speed bonus levels and mayhem for up to four players, Gyrostarr is a killer arcade challenge.

Virtual Console™

Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Sega Master System, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone—Comic Mischief, 500 Wii Points): In this platformer from the 1980s, you’re Alex Kidd, looking for your lost brother Egle. In order to find your brother, you’ll have to contend with the evil Janken the Great, who will send his henchmen and monsters at you to thwart your progress. One aspect of this adventure is that you’ll have to play the classic game of “rock, paper, scissors” against the henchmen in order to defeat them. With 16 different levels to conquer in order to save Egle, this classic is sure to test your skills and your wits at the same time.

BURNING FIGHT (NEOGEO, 1-2 players, Rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older—Mild Suggestive Themes, Violence, 900 Wii Points): Released in 1991 by SNK, BURNING FIGHT is a side-scrolling hand-to-hand-combat action game. In pursuit of Casterora, leader of a huge syndicate that has escaped from New York to Osaka, the protagonists are three detectives: Duke, Ryu and Billy. Each character fights using a combination of punches, kicks and jumps, plus his own particular special move, activated by simultaneously pressing the jump and attack buttons. These lethal techniques have enormous destructive force, but they also consume a great deal of energy. For this reason, players must use their special moves with skillful timing. Luckily for the detectives, new weapons and additional health can be found by breaking things like phone booths and street signs along the way. A boss, who must be defeated in order to continue the mission, awaits players at the end of each stage. You can also take on the gang with a friend, but beware—attacks by one player can damage the other, so keep an eye on where your partner is in the heat of the battle. End Casterora’s reign of terror once and for all.
The games this week are OK...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bowser in Spore

Bowser has been a rival of Mario's for a while now, and now is getting some respect. Someone took their time and made a really accurate Bowser look alike.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Guitar Hero: World Tour Has Wii DLC

Phahtrox: Yay!

This is kinda old news, but now we know how it's going to work. Remember how Super Smash Brothers Brawl saved created stages onto SD cards and let you play them directly off it? Same technology here. I really don't understand why anyone else did not do this.

Now we just got to wait for prices.

Phahtrox: Blah...

Twilight Hack is UP!

Since the hacker community is strong and willing, the Wii's infamous Twilight Hack is back up. This is good news for people who have not downloaded it yet. With the update of the TH, there is better visuals and extra stuff to wallow in.

Free games all the way!!!

Sadly Freeloader is still dead...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Nintendo Going to use USB For Flash Drives?

First here's the news about the USB job.

A job listing on Nintendo's website reveals that the company is currently working on peripherals for Wii that use the system's USB ports. Could this mean it is readying an external storage solution for the console?

GamePro reports that the company is seeking a software/hardware tester to work on a "test plan for Wii's USB devices."

I'm sure Chris will chime in once he gets back from New York, but I think fans of the Virtual Console and WiiWare services are really hoping that this is a sign that Nintendo has an external hard drive in the works (which, quite frankly, should have been announced ages ago).

Source: Wired.com

Now here's the news on the "Storage Solution".
"We definitely detect that [gamers] are serious and we know there is an issue in this, so it's something that we're working on," he told GamesIndustry.biz.

"Definitely there's no plan to issue hardware - an external hard drive, but we know that we have an issue in that area. It's very obvious and we're perfectly aware of it, but there's nothing we can say beyond this."
They say NINTENDO WON'T ISSUE HARDWARE, meaning that maybe that 3rd parties will make the hardware, which is most likely a Flash Drive. If this happens we may get BETTER DLC from games and a SSBB channel(Nintendo still not do this).

They may also unlock SD cards to hold Channels and other things, like they did in SSBB with the created stages.

3 New Pokemon Games Coming! Rumors?

The Pokemon series may be getting some additions some time in the future with the alleged Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Dusk Gold, and Pokemon Dawn Silver. So far Platinum gameplay has been "leaked". The other's have only been rumored by the copywriting of the names.
Platinum will have Giratina as the mascot. And also like Crystal, Emerald and Yellow, Platinum will have more content that the two previous.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

NOM! NOM! NOM!!! Paper is for the Fools!

Phahtrox: What is NOM?

N.O.M. stands for Nintendo Official Magazine. It was trademarked by Nintendo not too long ago.

Phahtrox: Is it like the rumored Nintendo Power Channel a while ago, you say? Yes.

Theories suggest that it may be a channel, but also could be a webpage...

Phahtrox: So wait on for more details!!

Contoller Based Profit Combat!!!

Actually this is a post comparing the the two Band games. To see the winner highlight the text with your respective cursor.

Phahtrox But I'm already sick of this war!!!

First is the drums...

Rock Band: White(Sweet!), Four pads and Bass. Overdrive is done during certain periods. No Wii-Mote needed. Wireless.

Guitar Hero: 3 pads, 2 cymbals, Bass. Star Power started when both cymbals hit(?). Wii-Mote Needed. Wireless.

Winner: Can't really tell...

Rock Band: 10 Frets, LOOONNNNG wammy bar, switch to change sounds of guitar. Wireless. No Wii-Mote needed.

Guitar Hero: 5 Frets, wammy bar, touch pad on the bottom to change sound. Wireless. Needs Wii-Mote.

Both tilt to start star power/overdrive.

Winner: GH:WT controller. Whee!

GH:WT will work all controllers, but Rock Band does not... Maybe RB2 will fix that.

WII EXCLUSIVE: Star Wars: Clone Wars-- Lightsaber Duels!

"We've tried to make the lightsaber control as intuitive and fun as possible. It's not a Lightsaber simulator, but when you swing your Wii remote left to right; your character does the same. You use the thumbstick on the nunchuck to move your character and swing the Wii remote to swing your Lightsaber. The buttons all do cool stuff like use the force, block and dodge, but the focus is really on putting the Wii remote in the players hand and saying 'This is your Lightsaber!'"
"I wouldn't describe what we're doing as one-to-one in the way that you might picture, but we really tried to make it feel like you get to swing your Lightsaber 'manually'. In short, it feels like the most natural and convincing sword type experience I've had on the Wii. And on top of that, it not just a sword, it's a lightsaber."

Phahtrox: YEEEESSSSSSSssss!!!!!!! Thank You LucasArts!

Boom Blox Did Not(?) Hit Sales Target

Even with Spielberg's amazing cult following, Boom Blox made little profit selling only 60,000 copies. Boom Blox is not a bad game; it's actually been reviewed quite highly with 1-Up and X-Play giving a perfect score. It's really sad games like these don't appeal to the masses.

Phahtrox: But wait!

EA actually had low expectations on this game.

Phahtrox: So nobody loses!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Facebreaker Dated

Phahtrox: Wheee!!

Facebreaker, the new fighting game coming to Wii, has been dated to be released on September 5th.

Phahtrox: Don't let me down!

Hell's Kitchen Coming to Wii

Phahtrox: God Dang it! Another reality TV rip off!!

People eat. People watch TV. People play games. So will it be a good mixture?

Phahtrox: NO

We will have to see what happens, and look at reviews when it comes.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

WiiWare Game Coming From 1080's Developer

Cubed³'s Adam Riley: With Wii Fit taking Japan by storm at the moment and more Balance Boards now in Japanese homes than PlayStation 3 consoles, have you given any thought to creative ways your team could make use of the Wii peripheral in the future?

Vitei's Giles Goddard: Our current game uses the Balance Board actually, and it’s due out in September on WiiWare. So yes, much like Theta we came up with several prototypes of games and picked one that we thought was the most uniquely suited to the interface. The interesting thing is that the games you would think would work well with the Balance Board actually don't. So it should be interesting to see what kind of stuff gets made for it.
Source: Cubed3.com
Well we can rule out 1080.

Update 3.3-Mii Parades and Freeloader Dead

1. Sending your Mii's to the parade at will...

Phahtrox: YAY!

2. Freeloader is dead...

Phahtrox: Darn... Full price for games... At least I still got...

3. Twilight Hack is dead...

Phahtrox: Dang It!

Well Nintendo surprised us with that one, leaving users of the Freeloader sitting and crying...But as for the people who use the Twilight Hack can still use the Homebrew Channel, just trying to get it is a problem.

Are You a Hardcore Gamer With a Wii? Wait for E3

Yes, Nintendo is going to reveal the light for the Core games for the next wave of games, and there is going to be quite a few...

“We recently announced the upcoming release of Mario Super Sluggers. Additionally, we will be announcing several new titles that core gamers will be interested in around the time of E3.

The clear majority of people waiting in line outside retailers on Sunday mornings to buy their Wii consoles are core gamers. Look at the plans being made by third-party publishers. They realize that Wii is the current platform of choice in this generation, and their bottom lines depend on appealing to the largest base.”

Some guesses include:
New Kid Icarus(Factor 5, don't screw up)
Disaster: Day of Crisis(Miyamoto's new IP)
New Excite Truck
Storage solution...(bleh Nintendo)

Wii Move Update: Phahtrox Confused

Remember the post about Wii Move?

Phahtrox: That Wii Fit imposter? Yea.

Now the second trailer has came out and it's nothing what anybody thinks it was going to be. Here it is.
Phahtrox: Wow... Um not sure what to think...

Solution To Storage Problem!

It's not going to be a hardware fix though...

Phahtrox: NO!!! Dang it Nintendo, the fans are right!! Listen to US!!

Here's what the spokesman said about it and the whole Geek controversy...

“We definitely detect that [gamers] are serious and we know there is an issue in this, so it’s something that we’re working on,” he told GamesIndustry.biz.

“Definitely there’s no plan to issue hardware - an external hard drive, but we know that we have an issue in that area. It’s very obvious and we’re perfectly aware of it, but there’s nothing we can say beyond this.”

Fischer recently found himself in hot water after he was quoted saying that only “geeks and otaku” wanted a proper storage solution for Wii. However, he explained that this was all just a misunderstanding:

“”I really didn’t use that terminology to describe the Nintendo consumer - it was something related basically to myself and to the journalists attending,” Fischer said. “It was a joke I made on myself and somehow it’s been confused and taken out of context to define those consumers.

“I understand I have created a lot of offence with people. And for me it’s very, very important to clarify this - that’s not the kind of thing I’ve been saying in [the way it has been reported.

“Disappointment in the community is something I was really affected by,” he added.

Phahtrox: You better be disappointed! I have to use an SD to hold all my games, but you know, it takes about FOREVER to redownload them... Shame on you Nintendo! P.S. don't just unlock the SD card slot; people will pay for a Hard Drive.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Conduit HEARTS Voice Chat

High Voltage is really thinking about the possibility of voice chat. They say it will make the game much better, and I agree. The source I read this from said that their no peripheral as of right now that can do voice chat, but I remember a long time ago that someone found a voice chip inside of the Wii-Mote, so it prolly can happen.

Stats of All VC Games

Some interesting stuff...

Super Mario Galaxy - played 5 million times at 25 hours per person.

Lostwinds - played 48,689 times at 3.4 hours per person.

Wii Sports - played 24 million hours at 33 hours per person. 21 million times played with 28 times per person

Top Selling VC Titles
DKC - ~55265
DKC2 ~ 25023
DKC3 ~ 11776
Contra 3 ~ 21103
LttP ~ 63386
Sim City ~ 15333
Castlevania 4 ~ 25626
SMW ~ 115725
Super Metroid ~ 51208

Gunstar Heroes ~ 31250
Shining in the Darkness ~ 8543
Sonic 1 ~ 43369
Sonic 2 ~ 23775
Sonic 3 ~ 19978
Toejam + Earl ~ 17289

F-Zero X ~ 14495
Kirby 64 ~ 27466
OoT ~ 73923
MK64 ~ 112091
Paper Mario ~ 67157
Pokemon Snap ~ 38399
Sin & Punishment ~ 24846
Star Fox 64 ~ 61345
SM64 ~ 101305
Yoshi’s Story ~ 25746

Demoes on Nintendo Channel

Really nothing special here, either...

Speaking of the Nintendo Channel, there’s also been an update to the DS demos available:

- CrossworDS ‘Wordsearch’: removed on 6/22
- Arkanoid DS returns
- Cake Mania 2 returns
- Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 hangs around

Source: wiiliving.com

VC This Week

Nothing special this week...


Block Breaker Deluxe™ (Gameloft, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone-Mild Suggestive Themes, 800 Wii Points): Prepare for the frenzy of the coolest block-breaker game ever. Block Breaker Deluxe is a reinvention of the classic arcade brick-breaker game with a trendy graphical style, fun atmosphere and an exclusive multiplayer mode. Lively characters and amazing graphics provide distinctive settings of the jet-set nightlife, including a cool bar, dance club, casino and more. Special bricks, multiple bonuses, secret weapons, paddle size options and ball-speed variations make this fascinating game even more challenging. The Block Breaker Deluxe rage has arrived.

Cocoto Fishing Master (Neko Entertainment, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone, 700 Wii Points): Welcome to the adventures of Cocoto, Fishing Master. Get ready for a completely new experience on Wii. Play the role of Cocoto and travel the world to find five millennial fish. Only they can stop the magic cauldron from overflowing with lava and prevent the world from being destroyed. Thanks to Cocoto Fishing Master for Wii, fishing has never been such fun. Use the Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk™ controllers like a real fishing rod to catch more than 30 different fish. Discover five enchanted lakes in five different worlds from Cocoto’s universe. Confront gigantic bosses to collect each fragment of the statuette that will allow you to wake the great god Geo from his slumber. Meet Cocoto’s friends, sell your fish to Baggy and buy new fishing equipment from Neuro’s shop.

Virtual Console

SAMURAI SHODOWN (NEOGEO, 1-2 players, Rated T for Teen-Animated Blood, Crude Humor, Violence, 900 Wii Points): This first entry in the extremely popular and revolutionary fighting-game series was released in 1993. Choose from 12 swordsmen with highly individualistic characteristics and fight furiously, ultimately confronting the evil Amakusa Shiro Tokisada. Each character wields his or her own specific weapon, but you must be careful not to lose it during the heat of battle. Some of the fighters also bring an animal companion into the fray, offering a unique aspect to the quick-paced action. Another significant feature of the game is the anger gauge, which indicates the level of anger felt by each of the combatants as they suffer repeated injuries. If the anger reaches its maximum level, the attacking ability of the character increases, leading to even more intense confrontations. Through it all, the refined camera system smoothly zooms in and out of the playing field, presenting the frenzy of the battle while showcasing the lively background (watch as the referee scores hits). Awaken the samurai spirit within and get ready for a new kind of fight.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Next Mario Kart Wii Tournament Coming Up

This is the third tournament for MKW and it's going to be crazy. From the screen shots out so far we can see that you have to race backwards in Mushroom Gorge. The tournament should start around 6/15/08!

New DS Colors for Europe

So today Europe got some new DS colors. The colors include, Turquise, Red, Lime Green. This makes the total EU color count go up to seven.

Phahtrox: Wow, they look exactly like the Pre-Wii colors; maybe Nintendo will release Wii's in these colors soon.

Court of Fears For Nyko: Wrath of Nintendo

As you know, Nyko made a wireless nunchak for the Wii, not too long ago, and now Nintendo is suing.

Phahtrox: WTF?! Why?

The reason for the court dispute is because of the unrecognized patents and trademarks for the nunchak made by Nintendo. Nintendo says that the "novel shape" has been violated, and the package and also violates. Nintendo wants money and the product out of stores.

Phahtrox: So, ummm, grab them while they still sell them...or you can wait util they are on eBay for a crazy price.

WiiWare and MegaMan Collide

So, rumors of MegaMan 9 coming to WiiWare have came up, I'm not too excited because Capcom has been raping the MM series for a while now, and I don't feel that they will change with this installment...Sorry guys... But anyway, the rumor started up when someone noticed that the OFLC(japan's rating system) had the rating of MM9, and this is how we found out about SMRPG coming t0 WiiWare.

Phahtrox: Well that was a crappy two sentence post...

Friday, June 13, 2008

WoW Does Wii Board

Phahtrox: Well someone finally did it. The Wii Balance Board is now being used for World of Warcraft...
Check it out!

Phahtrox: It's an interesting idea, but has no practical value...

Madden NFL 09, Family Play "Perfected"

Phahtrox: Well it's been a while; A year to be exact, but I think this one may be the one.

EA basically is basically saying "Trust with this one!", and I believe it. EA says that they've simplified the controls on the Wii...

Phahtrox:Don't walk away!!! Read on!

For starters, All-Play is the new hybrid of advanced (traditional) control and last year's Family Mode. Don't let the "family mode" mention throw you though, as All-Play is a much more entertaining alternative to what was used in 08. Rather than being too dumbed down or Wii-mote only (last year's offering), All-Play actually removes any of the strange oddness that ends up coming with Wii motion, and instead goes for a simpler – but still deep – experience. You'll keep control of your player with the nunchuk, but the game is more arcade-like overall, so general play is a bit faster, there are new optional playbooks make up of simple sets, and all motions are mapped to any direction on the Wii-mote, replacing stiff-arm, juke, spin, and power move with one "evade" action.
Source: wii.ign.com
So far so good...
So what does this do to your mindset of Madden Wii game's?

Scooger, Homebrew Puzzler

Scogger, Wii homebrew game from WiiNintendo.net
Sorry Wii-Users, this is the only vid I could find...

Scogger for Wii is a porting I made of the “famous” Nintendo DS and PSP game Scogger I wrote a months ago.

The game is almost identical to the original, with same levels (10 random out of 100 avaiable, so each new game you get different levels!), except here you cannot use the stylus for obvious reasons, but it can take advantage of the wiimote!

Download & Installing

Download it, and unpack it. It has two directiories: gamecube and wii.
The Wii version is ready for use with the homebrew channel. Just put the scoggerwii-0.2 directory in the apps directory of your SD card, otherwise boot it with the Twilight Hack or other boot methods.
The Gamecube dol can be booted it using SDLoad or other boot methods.

How to Play
The goal of the game is to make the frog jump over all the tree trunks.
You can use the Gamecube pad, the Wiimote, or the Wiimote d-pad.
The only avaiable direction the frog can move are forward, left and right (no diagonals), with no jump distance limit!
Remember that the frog cannot jump backward, and pressing B on the Wiimote (or A in the Gamecube pad) to restart the level!

Clean the stage to go to the next level (they are 10) or press (+) or START to go to the next one.

This trick is only avaiable if you make the so called “konami trick” (you know what is that, don’t you?) at the titlescreen, (with the exception “B” and “A” button are mapped to (-) and (+) on the Wiimote).
Source: wehackwii.blogspot.com
Phahtrox: I won't be doing this, but it sounds fun...

You Like Wii Fit? How About "Wii Move"?

Yea! Another Wii Fit clone!

Phahtrox: W.T.F!?

Well, EA is publishing a WiiWare game, called Wii Move, and is being made by Pherose Soft, a seven person team.
Release Info:
"Wii Move is the first Project from PheroseSoft, a small 7 man team, made up from past members of EA Canada Burnaby and Rockstar North. The game looks to but an unexpected slant on the Wii Balance Board. Look for Wii Move to hit the download service in quarter four 08"

Super Mario RPG Coming to Wii

SMRPG is a classic RPG that has a cult following. The game is made by Square(now Square Enix) and Shigeru Miyamoto(the guy who made Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pikmin and other great Nintendo games).

The game begins with Mario entering Bowser's Castle to rescue Princess Toadstool. During the battle, a giant sword crashes into Bowser’s castle and sends Mario, Peach, and Bowser flying in different directions. Mario finds his way back to the Mushroom Kingdom, where the chancelor insists that Mario recover the princess, then discover the purpose of the giant sword.

Mario leaves the Mushroom Kingdom to aid a new friend of his named Mallow, and when he returns, he finds that the kingdom is overrun by creatures claiming to be part of the Smithy gang. When he defeats them, he finds a mysterious Star Piece. He takes, it, hoping to find out more about it later.

During Mario’s search for the princess, he meets a doll named Geno who is possessed by a star spirit. He tells Mario that the Star Piece is part of the Star Road, where Geno lives. He must find all of the shattered pieces of Star Road in order to repair it, which are held by members of the Smithy gang. Mario agrees to help Geno in his search.

Mario eventually finds Bowser, trying to reassemble his forces; and the princess, as she is about to be forcibly married to a character named Booster. They both join Mario’s party and help look for Star Pieces.

When they have most of the Star Pieces, they learn that the last one is held in Bowser’s Castle. They return to Bowser’s Castle, and discover that the giant sword is a gateway to Smithy’s factory. They confront Smithy in his factory, and defeat him. They then use the Star Pieces to repair Star Road.

No wonder everyone is excited about this; I am now!

So if you get a Wii Points card, save it for this game.

Blast Works, Great Reveiws, Phahtrox Wrong

Phahtrox: Ok, this, right here, is what I call my crappy game alert. It goes off when I hear/see words like, Super, Awesome, Death, Creatures, Strong and ect. The problem with that is when a good game comes out and has words like that, like Blast Works; I just kinda rub the game out of my mind, just thinking it may suck, but in this case Blast Works, is getting very nice reviews. Now I plan to get it. But I bring this up because I know I'm not the only one who does this. Many upon many gamers do this, and like that Morgan Minute video, Webb says that we are to scared to take chances.

Blast Works came out June 10th, so buy it and/rent it.

Apparently Deadly Creatures, is good too. I hear it's really scary, so defiantly not for kids, which is ironic because I thought it was a children's game...dang it...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

XSEED Games and "Project O"

This is a new RTS/Adventure game. It's going to have a children's book graphic style, which is starting to look really good. XSEED Games really want to bring this game overseas and make it availible to the US public. That dress is sooo hott on you baby!

Little King's Story is an unreleased Wii game from the combined teams of Cing, Town Factory, and Marvelous Interactive. It will be published in America by XSEED sometime in the winter of 2008. The player character is a timid boy named Corobo Bred who has found a mysterious crown which gives him the power to charm people and make them follow orders. As King of the Village, his goal is to grow the village and make his subjects happy. The design of the game will combine various simulation elements as well as real time and adventure elements. Yasuhiro Wada told CVG that the game will be a "single-player life-sim set in Europe".

Source: Wikipedia.com

Top VC/WiiWare Games Chart

Virtual Console

1(1) - Super Mario Bros. 3
2(2) - Super Mario Bros.
3(4) - Double Dragon
4(5) - Super Mario World
5(3) - River City Ransom
6(6) - Mario Kart 64
7(8) - The Legend of Zelda
8(7) - Punch Out!!
9(10) - Super Mario Bros. 2
10(9) - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
11(11) - Super Mario 64
12(N) - Pokemon Puzzle League
13(13) - Pac-Man
14(14) - Donkey Kong Country
15(12) - Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
16(15) - Donkey Kong
17(17) - Paper Mario
18(16) - Star Fox 64
19(19) - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
20(20) - Kirby’s Adventure


1(N) -Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King
2(N) - LostWinds
3(N) - Defend YOur Castle
4(N) - TV Show King
5(N) - Pop
6(N) - V.I.P. Casino: Blackjack

*Number/letter in parenthesis denotes position in previous week
*N stands for new game

Phahtrox: Basically all the games up there are really good, and you should invest into getting some...And the only game you should not get is V.I.P Casino: Blackjack...Really, don't.

Wii Fit Clone, Has Hott Trainer

Remember Biggest Loser? That show where the super obese lost all their fat. Well Majestico is making a "better" Wii Fit, called Fitness Ultimatium 2009. Jillian Michaels will be the host...

Phahtrox: I'd do her...

...to train you, and make your body...

Phahtrox: ...as good as her's.

...into a fat dripping machine. Here's the release news.

SAN DIEGO — Game publisher Majesco Entertainment has announced a partnership with celebrity fitness trainer Jillian Michaels for an exercise-themed video game for the Nintendo Wii.

“Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum 2009,” slated for a holiday release, leverages the motion-based Wii system and Balance Board accessory to create a title that combines solid game play with a fitness regimen, advice and exercise techniques provided by Michaels, the strength trainer and life coach on NBC’s “The Biggest Loser.”

“I truly think this type of product will be instrumental in revolutionizing the fitness industry and will help combat the childhood obesity epidemic in this country,” Michaels said.

Thanks to the popularity of the Nintendo Wii and its emphasis on physically active game play — and last month’s successful release of the “Wii Fit” game and Balance Board accessory — exer-gaming is quickly emerging as a hot category.

Interactive Game Group brokered the deal for “Fitness Ultimatum 2009.”

Majesco CEO Jesse Sutton said the title is aimed squarely at the growing casual gaming audience, especially women. He said exer-gaming should create a growing opportunity for fitness celebrities, especially those who already have make their mark on TV and DVD.

“Exercise and entertainment have gone hand in hand over the past 20 years,” he said. “So we think bringing that to games is the next big step.”

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Best Recycler Ever

Phahtrox: I was interwebbing and I saw this amazing idea. Check it out!
How Wii Fit can improve your ability to play Rock Band

Don’t just leave your Wii Fit Balance Board gathering dust in the corner, with the help of our specialist advice we’ll show you how to improve your drumming ability in Rock Band instantly with a little help from Nintendo’s smash hit exer-gaming phenomenon.

For this tried and tested technique you’ll need both a Balance Board and a yoga mat. Now, have a little stretch to get yourself warmed up before we begin...

Keep on reading for some indepth instructions on how you too can perform this feat:

Now, slowly and carefully lower your drums onto the yoga mat, before weighting the whole contraption down with the Wii Fit board. Et voila! As if by magic you’ll now find that not only do your drums remain firmly fixed to the floor without sliding away during even the most frantic drum solos, but you’ve also magically just found a use for the chunk on Nintendo plastic sitting in the corner!


Famitsu Reviews

Spectral Force Genesis (NDS, Idea Factory): 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 - (24/40)
Ohimesama Debut (NDS, Cave): 7 / 7 / 6 / 6 - (26/40)
Watashi no Pony (NDS, Starfish): 5 / 6 / 4 / 5 - (20/40)

Super Robot Taisen A Portable (PSP, Banpresto): 8 / 7 / 7 / 8 - (30/40)
Narnia Kuni Monogatari Dai-2-Shou: Caspian Ouji no Tsunobue (Wii, Disney): 7 / 7 / 6 / 6 - (26/40)
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4 (Wii/PS2, Koei): 8 / 8 / 7 / 8 - (31/40)

FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage (Xbox 360, Empire): 7 / 7 / 7 / 6 - (27/40)
Super Mario Stadium: Family Baseball (Wii, Nintendo): 7 / 7 / 7 / 8 - (29/40)
Phahtrox: I was not going to get it anyway...

The Conduit has Online Multiplayer!

Phahtrox: Wow, I'm really happy about this news. I kinda thought that it was going to have it anyway because of the "death match confirmed"...But just to actually hear the sweet sounds of the severs buzzing around this... And then saying that the game will game graphics of games from the beginning of the 360 age...sweet...

High Voltage Software's The Conduit is a stunning first-person action shooter that promises to provide some of the best visuals seen to date on Nintendo's Wii gaming console.

Using their proprietary Quantum 3 Game Engine technology, the team at High Voltage Software is fusing fast and fluid gameplay with an advanced set of visuals intended to squarely establish the Wii as a true next-generation gaming platform. The first-person shooter boasts a competitive online multiplayer component and a thrilling single-player campaign. Advanced graphical features include dynamic environment mapping, interactive water with real-time reflection, and four-stage texture composition including gloss, diffuse, and bump mapping.

"Too many Wii owners have been told that the Wii is a casual platform with no room for serious games or top-tier graphics," said Eric Nofsinger, Chief Creative Officer at High Voltage Software. "With The Conduit, we intend to prove that theory wrong by providing gamers with the kind of title they imagined back when the platform was first announced."

Featuring terrifying alien creatures, an advanced Artificial Intelligence System, and a rich, conspiracy-laden story, The Conduit has more than a pretty face. "The Wii has tremendous potential," said Kerry J. Ganofsky, CEO and founder of High Voltage Software. "We've invested heavily in our technology to make certain that potential is realized with The Conduit."

The Conduit's control scheme was carefully designed from the ground up with the Wii in mind, as were each of the weapons in the extensive armory, providing gameplay not possible on other platforms. As Secret Service Agent Ford, you must learn to master each of these weapons as well as the special "All Seeing Eye" device to defeat enemies, solve puzzles, and unravel the game's mysteries.

"Conduit was especially designed for the Nintendo Wii" states Matt Corso, Creative Director at High Voltage Software. "From the weapons to armory and graphics, we tailored everything to the Wii which sets this game play apart from anything else on the market right now."

The Conduit is currently scheduled for Q1 2009 release.

Yea! I'm so happy.

Wario Land: Fact Sheet

^The graphics of cut scenes.^

- 20 stages
- hand-drawn animation
- 1 player
- locations such as jungle ruins, desert, and ocean
- shake the Wiimote for special actions (shake enemies to grab coins, unearth hidden locations, and more)
- some sort of throwing mechanic via Wiimote manipulation
- vehicles such as rockets and submarines, seems that the Wiimote speaker plays a part in vehicles as well
-Shaking/tilting remote a key part of the gameplay
-backgrounds are hand drawn
-characters are cel-shaded
-5800 yen ($50)

Phahtrox: So far I'm not liking this... 50$ for a 2D sidescroller, but then again it has cut scenes...I'll wait for a review...

Brothers in Arms, Finished

Ubisoft says they are done making Brothers in Arms.

Phahtrox: About time...

It's a retelling about the first two games...

Phahtrox: But remember, that the controls prolly have been upgraded...

“I think you can tell a good story in any setting and a lot of people actually really love World War II. I think the fatigue comes from games and products that don’t take seriously the historical significance of what went on and use it as a backdrop for random action. That’s not what we’re doing.

We’re not just taking a World War II time period and creating a game inside of it; we’re looking at history, we’re saying what was compelling about history to people that want to relive it. We’re putting you in the shoes of real soldiers in real situations, with real historical figures. But it’s an historical fiction as well; Matt Baker wasn’t an actual person, but he’s going to pump into people like the commander of the 507 and you’re going to see these figures and what actually happened to them.”

OK...Sounds cool.

International Track and Field DS Is Going to Have "Super Online Services"?

So news has arisen for the game "International Track and Field DS", giving players a taste of server based gameplay(I mean better than Nintedo's).
“With competition at the heart of New International Track and Field, the European developed game offers a stunning online element that throws it open to players all over the globe. Using the Nintendo DS Wi-Fi connection, players can link into a server that constantly updates the World Records as and when they are broken. Global high scores and world rankings are instantly logged and players are kept updated via an innovative News Feed service and regular messaging. Likewise, it is also possible for friends to send predefined messages to each other, ranging from congratulations to taunts when a record is smashed!”
Phahtrox: Thought the name itself does not get my attention, I'm now looking forward to it now, just a little anyway...

Another cool thing is that you can unlock characters by going and signing up at the site.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Preview

Phahtrox:Where do I start? Ah...Spider-Man 3...I remember rating that game...On a 1-10 scale it got an "OMG/WTF". Graphics were subpar, and the gameplay was atrocious beyond belief. So, do I even have a slight wanting to play the next game, prolly(not spelled wrong) not.

On the other hand SM3 was a rushed movie game, so the game prolly was not in it's prime. Activision may update the engine so it will not be as bad, character models and all. Another thing is that the game does not have to follow a script that was made for a mainly talking intensive movie. Maybe it will be good...

But as I've seen, Activision does not change with the times(ex.Tony Hawk) so it may be the same. IDK...

Vemon has returned to New York to infect the city with an army of symbiotes. S.H.I.E.L.D. has quarantined Manhattan to prevent the invasion from spreading. As a result, the entire city is cut off from the outside world. Spider-Man has to work with both Heroes and villains from the universe to track down Venom and stop the invasion before he himself is consumed by the symbiote attached to him.
Source: Wikipedia.com.

Sonic Unleased: A Late Preview

June 10,2008 - Because Sega has been crapping out Sonic titles – both in terms of frequency and quality – such as Sonic Rivals and Sonic Riders, the blue hedgehog has found himself in a rut. Despite his traditional 2D games on the DS, people have stopped and will continue to stop caring unless something not resembling crap is released on a console. Sonic Team has been hard at work since 2005 with the “hedgehog engine,” and it’ll finally rear its head this winter when Sonic Unleashed is finally, well, unleashed.
Source: www.gamer20.com
Phahtrox: It's about time a good Sonic game is coming out, and with amazing, near SMG graphic and by the looks of it, the gameplay is not going vacuum a pile of rancid snot rags, like the others did.
Hopefully this time those "unneeded characters" will not show up and ruin the game. Tails is OK, Knuckles is a stretch, but Amy and Big should never see the light of day ever again.

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X coming to Wii?

Phahtrox:I dunno...THAT last game, based on the Tom Clancy series, was horrible. THAT game was an insult to core gamers all over the mediascape. Bad controls, bad graphics. THAT game should never be named...

But then again, maybe they learned their lesson, and grew from that experience and now is coming back with a good story and level design. Maybe the graphics will be good and enjoyable. Maybe, just maybe.

Like most Ubisoft games, they are multiplatform, and some versions suck more than others, but I hope they will get this one right; I'm still boiling from me and Ubisoft's last outing...

H.A.W.X. includes over 50 planes available for aerial warfare. It is set in 2012 above the skies of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in a world increasingly dependent on private military companies (PMCs) and elite mercenaries who have lax view on the law. As these non-governmental organizations gain power, global conflict erupts with one powerful PMC attacking the United States. The game is set in the same universe as Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, as Captain Scott Mitchell the Ghost Leader is shown calling for air support from a H.A.W.X. pilot in the trailer.

The game features an Enhanced Reality System (ERS), which can include radars, incoming missile detection, an anti-crash system, damage control system, tactical map, information relay, weapons trajectory control and the ability to give commands to an AI squadron. When fully activated, ERS provides assistance to the player. Some or all of these assists can be turned off to make the game more difficult and give the player more maneuverability.

H.A.W.X. supports four-player co-op throughout the campaign. Players can join other players games on-the-fly. There is also a versus mode where up to 16 players can battle online for experience points and in-game cash, to unlock new weapons.
Source: Wikipedia.com
So, is it looking amazing? NO.
Should you buy it? Wait for review.
Am I going to get it? Prolly not.

Wii Love 3 A's!

“Honestly, I think the lack of AAA titles also has a lot to do with a lot of the 3rd parties simply being caught with their pants down. Triple A take a lot of time to develop; Many years in fact. For them to have been announced/released by now, it would have meant that they were in development/planning before/shortly after the Wii was released. However, nobody, besides Nintendo, expected the Wii sales to be so strong, and anyone who did should be buying lottery tickets.

However, the good news is, now that the industry has seen the rise of the Wii, I’m sure many plans and budgets have been shifted and adjusted, and triple A titles should be in their pipeline (though not ready to be announced). This means soon, you should be flooded with the titles from the franchises you’re familiar with, and ones that aren’t just spinoffs.

Have a little patience and faith in the little white console that could. I know I am. ‘Lost’” - Community Specialist of Capcom Entertainment

Phahtrox:I like the sound of this! I'm really sick of seeing "Wii Sports" rip-offs and crappy games with even worse controls. This gives me a smile and hope.

Hudson Soft Delayed Tetris for WiiWare

Yea...for those puzzle kings who love their Tetris highscores and want to do it all over again on the Wii, you have to wait...

Also the name has changed, though no info was mentioned about it. Because of the use of the balance board may be included, the game got delayed.
Phahtrox:I'm not sure how the Wii Balance Board will make it any better...or any fun.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Call of Duty 5 Craziness

Well, Call of Duty 4 being the best thing since [random cliche], it's freaking crazy sequel is coming to all systems (Wii/DS included). Though going back to the WWII days (ewww...) I'm happy to say that the Wii will is going to get the COD4 engine. Meaning that textures will be much more realistic looking.

USB Workers to be Working on USB Hard Disk?

Yes, Nintendo has put up jobs to be filled with people who know about USB devices...

So, does that mean that Nintendo is actually thinking about a Hard Disk Drive? Maybe...Just a heads up!

Today's WiiWare/VC Set

Of all these games, I'm really only running for Pokemon Ranch. Pokemon is one of my guilty pleasures...sigh... and Zoey 101... But anyway, I heard it's pretty cool, so I'll get it and later a copy of Pokemon Platinum.

Pokemon Ranch: 1000pts.
The Pokémon phenomenon debuts on WiiWare with My Pokémon Ranch, a game that lets you watch as Pokémon and Miis interact with each other for the first time. Enjoy the relaxing ranch life by viewing your ranch and its Pokémon, taking pictures and sending those pictures to your friends via the Wii Message Board. The more Pokémon and Miis you bring to your ranch, the more fun it becomes. My Pokémon Ranch can be linked with the Nintendo DS™ Pokémon® Diamond and Pokémon® Pearl Game Cards to deposit the Pokémon you’ve caught in these games in your ranch. You can deposit a maximum of 1,000 Pokémon from up to eight different game cards. Make your ranch livelier by playing with your friends and family.

If you respect your Pokemon, you will buy this.

Dig Dug: 600pts.
Become Dig Dug, the champion of love and justice, as you drill up, down, left and right, defeating any enemies in your path. Avoid the persistent Pooka and the deep-dwelling but whimsical Fygar as you defeat all the enemies in order to clear each stage. Defeat enemies by hitting them with the harpoon and pumping air into them, or by dropping rocks on them from above. Receive bonus points by getting the vegetables that appear in the middle of the stage. Receive high points for defeating deep-dwelling enemies or by defeating Fygars from the side with the harpoon. Pass through inflated enemies or defeat enemies in an adjacent passage for an even higher score. Lure multiple enemies and defeat them with a single rock from above in this thrilling action game.

BIO MIRACLE BOKUTTE UPA is an action game released in 1988, but it was never available outside of Japan. Players take on the role of baby Upa, a prince of the Akuyo kingdom. Prince Upa must take on an adventure spanning seven different worlds in order to rescue the kingdom from the dangerous demon Zai. Upa must defeat the enemies he meets along the way by inflating them. Upa can then use these floating enemies to his advantage by bouncing off of or riding on top of them. The prince must also avoid deadly thorns and pits while keeping an eye out for helpful items such as milk (to restore health) and bells (for temporary invincibility) if he hopes to succeed. If you’re looking for a cute and solid platformer with a hero unlike those in most other games, then look no further than BIO MIRACLE BOKUTTE UPA.

First Postings

I, the creator of WiiMailer, has made a joint conclusion with myself to make a blog of Nintendo related jargon. You will see advent games rise, as well as the turning of the gaming age. Stick with me to understand the forest of games that shall be rendered new, innovated and strong, and can hate the diced, loose gameplay of injustice like arches with "dropped-on-head" gameplay.

For those that do not have WiiMailer, just add WiiMailer@yahoo.com to your Wii systems as a friend.

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